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Explore data sets, crowdsourced information, and other geospatial resources regarding humanitarian efforts in Ukraine by category.
Explore data and resources pertinent to food scarcity, drop off points, distribution, coordination of hunger relief efforts, etc.
Explore data and resources pertinent to the distribution of humanitarian aid, logistics, supply chain issues, movement of goods and people, etc.
Explore data and resources pertinent to the location and availability of medical supplies, treatment facilities, and healthcare workers, as well as where there are known needs.
Explore data and resources pertinent to individually displaced persons (IDPs), refugees, humanitarian corridors, routes of travel into and out of Ukraine, etc.
Explore interactive maps and data that provide context and insight into the unfolding humanitarian crisis in Ukraine from a geospatial perspective.
Click below to share links to maps, imagery, geospatial data, or other resources that would be valuable to add to our resource center. This initiative is a crowdsourced effort, and we appreciate your help in making it better.